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If you are offered a space at Milton Mount Playgroup you will be required to attend the settling in sessions and return the registration forms before the end of the previous term.

The child will be given three settling in sessions. 

Session 1- A legal guardian will accompany your child for a half hour stay and play. At this session staff won't get too involved. We are observing your child to see if they will require extra support with separation, learning, communication and so on. This will help us to determine the best key person for your child. Some of our staff are passionate or extensively trained in particular areas of development and we'd love to match your child to the right key person. You will be given registration forms to take home and fill out. 

Session 2- A legal guardian will accompany your child for a half hour information session. You will meet your key person. You will return your registration forms and the key person can support you if you haven't finished filling them out. You will chat with your key person and together fill out an "all about me" form. This is a chance to find out about your key person and your key person to find out more about your hild.

Session 3- Your child will attend on their own for half an hour. You will drop off and pick up from the door. 

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